Sunday, October 28, 2018

I don't think I'm in KS Anymore!

Well just for one day! The weather this weekend was beautiful so I made an impromptu trip to Weston Missouri State Park on Saturday. Jefferson had been before and it was a perfect day trip. After hiking in the park we headed into town to try out the brewery, but on the way found an amazing winery in an old church. The Rose was great and the wine slushes. The place was Pirtle Winery, you should look it up if you ever get to Weston.  I didn't even need to go to the brewery!

It was a great trip to celebrate a full and slightly stressful week. I had to prepare for a seminar for work that was broadcast to our whole system. I don't know how many people watched it but I felt like it went great! I also had to keep getting things for 4-H Achievement Night ready and make the Halloween costumes! I will have no problem sleeping good tonight.

Daryl didn't need me to make anything for his costume but I had to do a little sewing for Alex's costume. I'm an OK sewer and thankfully I can make a simple drawstring bag. I wasn't that excited about it until Alex saw it and said, "Oh my gosh mom, it's perfect!"

That warmed my heart and we are now ready for Halloween. I will have pictures of their full costumes then! Stay tuned.....

I will add this to the album "Jeff looking at maps!"

Wine Slushie!

He is pretty happy with it! 

While the boys were waiting on me at
Parent Teacher Conf. Alex took about 100 pictures!
I love them all!  

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