Wednesday, October 10, 2018

8 Down 3 To Go!

I finished another class!! Yay!! I only have three classes left, so that has to be what, 12 more papers?! It is now time to play catch up on house keeping and knitting. I know this game, I've played it seven times before.

So this weekend I have a half knitted hat I need to finish, and a half read book to finish. After that I will start some new stuff. I have one Christmas present I want to knit so I need to get on that ASAP!

Tonight, the boys and I took advantage of the free admission to the Kansas Children's Discovery Center sponsored by Hy-Vee. They have a Mo Willems exhibit right now and it is FABULOUS! The boys had such a great time, Alex came home and wanted to write a book. So Hy-Vee I can't thank you enough for doing that for Topeka kids. You never know what a positive learning experience will spark. I know we got in for free, but if you have a child you need to go see this exhibit. It is worth paying for! I want to go back and get the Pigeon shirt that says "I love Topeka." What a great, homework FREE day!

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