Monday, September 17, 2018

What we do for our children ;-)

This weekend I did a couple of things that I didn't really want to do. I went to a KU football game, and spent four hours with my ex. There I said it, when I have a choice of activities KU Football and playing happy split family are not the two I go for! However, like life likes to show me, it wasn't all that bad. The game was super fun, KU was not only scoring, they were winning the whole game! As far as playing happy family, you fake it until you make it. :-)

Why do I do this? It is certainly not to try and show the world that being divorced is a breeze. Just look at us! Nope! Alex was so young when his dad and I split that this family that we have now is what he knows, and he wants to share things with all of us. His little heart is all about family, and he sees his family as perfect. It is also good for Daryl to see his parents as a united front. No running to mom when dad won't give him his way. A simple text can end that game.

Alex won some KU Football tickets for good behavior at school. He was so excited that he told me over and over again, "I got four mom! One for Me, one for Daryl, one for you and one for dad!" How could I say no to that?

So we all went, and it is not hard to enjoy spending time with my sons. They even got on the jumbo tron!  It was a great day, and I rewarded my faking with a beer and onion rings after the game at Hank and Sully's. I highly recommend the place!
Ready to Wave the Wheat! 

I love watching the marching band! 

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