Sunday, September 9, 2018

Home sweet Home!

I will be asleep as soon as I finish this blog. Just posting this means I got the cable and WiFi hooked up all by myself! Actually, that is way easier than I ever thought it was. They literally give you pictures of what to do. :-)

This weekend the boys and I moved to our house. We couldn't have done it alone. Grandma Rosie came back to help, Jaime had been emotional support for the last month and Jeff even came and played gardener! I hired movers for the first time in my life. They took care of the furniture and I was very glad that was something I could do this time! 

The boys are in their own rooms and so far that is going good. Even Purl is settled in! My favorite thing is having my own bathroom. ALL MINE! 

Can't say thank you enough to my mom. She helped pack, move and is now cleaning like a crazy woman. I strive to be the power house that my mom is. 

Alex has rediscovered all of his toys, and that has been funny. I set him up in a little empty corner and he played there for two or three hours today with his toys. Daryl finally got his birthday moccasins today. So he has been in a good mood too! For the time being, all is well!  
Got the cable going in time to watch Chiefs! 

Alex wiping out cupboards!

Daryl cleaning

Alex helping me get rid of all of the fake ivy. 

The boy likes shoes. Oh dear! 

Dining Room

Play Corner 

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