Friday, September 28, 2018

Home Ownership Level 1- Achieved!

Two nights ago a jar fell off of my fridge and broke on the floor between the oven and the fridge. As I was on the floor cussing, I realized the floor in that crack was wet. That shouldn't be wet, there was nothing in the jar that fell. So I pulled out the fridge and found the line into the ice maker was dripping.


So, I called my friend to come help me turn that line off. When we went downstairs I discovered that there was water puddled in the utility room floor. The Water Heater was leaking too. No good.

So yesterday I got to make my first home repair purchase, a hot water heater! Not the first repair I had planned but my plumbing could care less about my plans. It's official, when you buy a water heater, you are a homeowner! I also had the line to the fridge capped. Ice trays are good enough for me.

Today I showed the boys how dangerously close we live to a donuts shop. It is really good donuts too! If we get out of the house early, donuts can be had before school.  yummmmmm

Monday, September 24, 2018

Baking and Biking (Not at the same time!)

I had a funny video on Facebook not long ago of Alex telling me how to make cinnamon rolls. He had been very upset that I don't make them because they are very easy.
Alex-"Mom you just make rolls, put on some cinnamon and some white icing!"

See how easy that is? Most of the comments to my video were get the Rhodes frozen rolls. So for breakfast last Friday I made cinnamon rolls. Everyone was right that they were super easy. And now Alex thinks I'm fit to "mom". :-)

This weekend I also went on a mountain bike camping trip to Wilson Lake. I've been told these trails are the best in Kansas. Since this is the second bike trail I've been to in Kansas, I'm not one to judge. They were pretty awesome! Nice climbs, friendly downhills, and two not friendly down hills that I didn't die on! I was riding better than I thought I was capable and I  really want to go back to do the parts of the trail I didn't get to.

My experiences with mountain biking have ranged from frustration to delight and fear to accomplishment. I really enjoy that I'm getting better at this new found hobby and I thank Jeff for the encouragement. He also is a great photographer! LOL

Now that I've been on a bike for a year and had my own bike for 9 months I'm ready to get a new seat, bike rack for my car and bike shoes. You know you are committing to a hobby when you buy the shoes!

Alex approved!

They liked them so much both boys ate them standing! 

Wilson Lake at dawn

Ready to go back! 

Monday, September 17, 2018

What we do for our children ;-)

This weekend I did a couple of things that I didn't really want to do. I went to a KU football game, and spent four hours with my ex. There I said it, when I have a choice of activities KU Football and playing happy split family are not the two I go for! However, like life likes to show me, it wasn't all that bad. The game was super fun, KU was not only scoring, they were winning the whole game! As far as playing happy family, you fake it until you make it. :-)

Why do I do this? It is certainly not to try and show the world that being divorced is a breeze. Just look at us! Nope! Alex was so young when his dad and I split that this family that we have now is what he knows, and he wants to share things with all of us. His little heart is all about family, and he sees his family as perfect. It is also good for Daryl to see his parents as a united front. No running to mom when dad won't give him his way. A simple text can end that game.

Alex won some KU Football tickets for good behavior at school. He was so excited that he told me over and over again, "I got four mom! One for Me, one for Daryl, one for you and one for dad!" How could I say no to that?

So we all went, and it is not hard to enjoy spending time with my sons. They even got on the jumbo tron!  It was a great day, and I rewarded my faking with a beer and onion rings after the game at Hank and Sully's. I highly recommend the place!
Ready to Wave the Wheat! 

I love watching the marching band! 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Home sweet Home!

I will be asleep as soon as I finish this blog. Just posting this means I got the cable and WiFi hooked up all by myself! Actually, that is way easier than I ever thought it was. They literally give you pictures of what to do. :-)

This weekend the boys and I moved to our house. We couldn't have done it alone. Grandma Rosie came back to help, Jaime had been emotional support for the last month and Jeff even came and played gardener! I hired movers for the first time in my life. They took care of the furniture and I was very glad that was something I could do this time! 

The boys are in their own rooms and so far that is going good. Even Purl is settled in! My favorite thing is having my own bathroom. ALL MINE! 

Can't say thank you enough to my mom. She helped pack, move and is now cleaning like a crazy woman. I strive to be the power house that my mom is. 

Alex has rediscovered all of his toys, and that has been funny. I set him up in a little empty corner and he played there for two or three hours today with his toys. Daryl finally got his birthday moccasins today. So he has been in a good mood too! For the time being, all is well!  
Got the cable going in time to watch Chiefs! 

Alex wiping out cupboards!

Daryl cleaning

Alex helping me get rid of all of the fake ivy. 

The boy likes shoes. Oh dear! 

Dining Room

Play Corner 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

South Dakota Family Reunion!

Over the long weekend my Stiles/Korf/Brown/Meerpohl family all got together! It was so fun to get all 8 of the cousins together, and to see my goofy brother and sisters. You could tell mom was in 7th heaven the whole time!

We saw Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and went through Bear Country. But the best part was we stayed on a lake and the kids got to fish, paddle boat and swim to their hear's content. You could always hear laughing and Charles and I got to take lots of pictures! He loves taking selfies with me!

My boys were Rock Stars on both car trips. 10 hours in the car is not fun, but I told the boys if they want to see more places they have to be good in the car. I was super proud of them! I hope we get to do this again next summer, the kids are all growing up too fast!!!

Cadence and I above Rapid City! 

Enjoying the Lake

Sweet Sweet Clara! 

The Faces! 

Daryl needs to work on his picture taking!

Bear Country! 

A Sweet Way to end a Sweet Vacation!