Sunday, August 5, 2018

Last Week of Summer

Grandma left today. :-( So, the boys and I are going to get a dose of reality in the morning!! I sent them to bed early because they are going to have to get up before 7 tomorrow so I can get them to camp before work. It will be good practice for school.

Speaking of school this is our last week before school starts! Where did the summer go? No, really, I have no idea how this time is already up? We will try and make the most of this week, if the boys work with me we can have a lot of fun! The bikes need to be ridden, and the pool needs to be visited before we can call it good on summer 2018.

I'm happy to say I finished my summer knitting project. It shouldn't take an entire summer to knit fingerless mitts, but I did finish them. So that is something! After I weave in the ends on this pair I think I will start a pair of socks. Alex, did tell me he would like some mitts for winter too. So that is going on the list. I'm confident I can make that happen by the first snow. (Good Thing it doesn't usually snow until after Christmas these days.)

Everyone enjoy what little bit of summer you have left! Teachers, I hope you are ready for these crazy kids! ;-)

A finished thing! Bad night time lighting. They are very pretty orange. 
She seems to leave with more than she brings.....

I got a hot air balloon ride at the fair too! 

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