Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My Baby is 10! Freaking 10!

Yesterday was Daryl's 10th birthday. We will celebrate this weekend but I tried to make the day special in little ways.

I let him wear his cowboy boots to school, and take his cowboy hat in his backpack. He was hopeful he would be able to wear it on his birthday, but that didn't happen. They have hat days every now and again at school, so he will try again on one of those. Papa Mike got him a cool belt and belt buckle, so he had to wear that too!

I woke up early and made him a big breakfast. He didn't even eat half of it, and because he was the birthday boy I didn't say a word! Needless to say, Purl likes Daryl's birthday too! After school I told him he could pick the ice cream place for dessert. This is actually a big deal, because most of the time Alex insists we go to Orange Leaf. Daryl picked DQ, Alex cried, but then he got over it!

It was a calm but great day. My baby is ten years old, and time marches on. He is turning into a handsom young man, and he makes me proud. Now if he could just find a way to get along with his brother!

10 years old and 1 day!

Alex closed his eyes and Daryl took a taste!

Alex was not pleased!

King's breakfast

What the king actually ate! 

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