Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Cowboy Daryl

Last year the ambition of Daryl was to be a politician. These days he is leaning more toward Bull Rider. With Daryl you just have to enjoy the ride of his passions. Because when something interests him he digs in and learns as much as he can. It is fun to watch!

As his mom, I'm trying to push the cowboy over the bull rider. If I think football is bad for his body, there is no justifying bull riding! He got a taste of cowboy life on Saturday. Our dear friend Natalie let him borrow her horse butter and gave him a very thorough horse riding lesson. He loved every minute of it! He had a smile plastered on him for two days.

I love that I got to feed his passion, again more horses, less bull riding! LOL

Alex took a turn riding Butter, he also found a trampoline. So it was a good Saturday for all of us! (I got a donut and coffee in the car, momma was pretty happy too!)

The saddle was a little heavy! But now he knows!
Alex says Trampolines over Horses!

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