Wednesday, August 8, 2018

New Projects

So I finally finished a knitting project! The pattern for these mitts was Piitu by Heidi Alander. The yarn was Wollmeise sock yarn. I liked the way they turned out, they are longer than the picture of the pattern looks so I might skip a lace repeat if I make again. Haha, that's funny considering I have so many things to knit, that I would repeat a pattern. That is RARE. 

I busied myself yesterday to find the next thing I want to knit. My friend Karen gifted me the Veera Calimaki pattern of Contemporary. I have some amazing malabrigo yarn that would be perfect! So I think that will be next on the needles!

I've been cleaning out the basement and I finally gave into Alex's request to sew something on Monday. He found a KU fabric that he wanted to turn into a pillow. It was actually the second fabric he picked up. I went with it because I have four boxes of fabric and I really didn't want to have him go through all of it!

We started with him running the pedal. He actually did really good at that. Then I let him "steer" the fabric. That was trickier, but we only broke one needle by hitting a pin! He then stuffed his pillow and I closed it up for him.

You have never seen a more content boy. When it was done he immediately asked, "When do I get to take it on stage!" He is already thinking Fashion Revue. LOL.

This morning taking the boys to camp Alex took a banana in the car with him. We were all talking (mostly about the primary election results) when I hear Daryl say, "Alex you may be a monkey, but you are a monkey with manners. Please don't chew with your mouth open."

I reaffirmed that being a monkey with manners is good! I think Alex only chews with his mouth open to bother his brother but it is a terrible habit to get started. :-)

Finished Mitts (Not cat sweaters!) 

Stuffing his pillow

Already wants to make another one! 

Have you ever seen a kid more happy to go to bed? 

My yarn for my new hat project. 

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