Sunday, July 29, 2018

2018 Fair ✔

As of 6 pm this evening the Shawnee County Fair was cleaned up and done! Yay, number 6 as 4-H Agent is in the books! I'm pretty tired, as I'm sure many 4-H peeps are right now! So, tonight I will give you mostly pictures and one funny story.

This didn't even happen at the fair! I was at Dillons at 8 am this morning to get candy for our Sr. Recognition. I had planned to get sour patch kids because the ceremony of saying goodbye to my seniors is sweet and sour! There was none on the shelf. So I was just staring at the boxes of candy. I have no idea how long I was looking when a very nice Dillons workers, with a lot of concern in her eyes, asks me "Are you OK?" Not "how may I help you," or "are you finding everything OK?" No, I must have looked so ragged she asked if I was OK!! LOL

So glad fair is done!

Daryl getting his ceramics judged. 

Alex at his first cloverbud judging! 

The shorts Daryl sewed!

Alex singing with Mr. Stinky Feet! 

Daryl's Fashion Revue Ribbons

Alex on his Hot Balloon Ride! 

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