Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July is Crazypants!

So there are two reasons if I am not posting on the blog. Reason #1 is nothing is going on, reason #2 is all the things are going on. July has been an all the things month.

The boys have been going to day camp, working on 4-H projects, riding bikes and we are trying to get to the pool more than we did last summer. It seems like we are all ready for bed every night at 8pm. This last weekend Daryl finished all of his outfits for modeling this Friday, so he is set. Alex has been done with his projects since he painted his Angry Bird!

On Monday I was getting ready and everyone else was still in bed. I was in my room fixing my hair when Alex stumbles in. I told him good morning and then he left my room again. He came back fully dressed and asked if I would turn on the news! He gets that from Daryl because when I told him Nature Cat was on, he changed his mind about what he wanted to watch. :-)

I made the boys' lunches for day camp and told Alex he was in charge when I left for work. When Grandma got up, Alex relayed that the lunches were in the fridge and he was in charge! That kid cracks me up!

Looking forward to a lot of fair fun for the next 10 days!
The shorts Daryl sewed! 

Daryl's Casual Outfit

I found a llama at the Topeka Zoo

Our friends from 'Tucky came back for a visit! Glad to see these Jayhawkers again! LOL

Back to School Shoes! (Trying to be ahead of back to school this year!)

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