Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Happy Birthday Alex!

For the first time ever, Alex got his own birthday party! I have been crafty the first five years of his life and made him share a birthday party with Daryl. Their birthdays are one month apart, so we picked a day in the middle.

This year he specifically asked for 1.) His own Party, 2.) At Going Bonkers, 3.) With his friends 4.) and white cake.

That guy is funny. I always order him chocolate cake because that's what I like. He made sure at every point in party planning he was getting a white cake! He got to approve the guest list but I did cap him at 10 friends!

He had so much fun and I thank all the parents who tolerated bonkers to bring their kids out. Now it's time for Fair, Fair, and Fair!

Daryl is going through a cowboy phase.
Grandma got him the boots and Kelly got him the hat. 

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