Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Holiday Weekend

I don't mind working over the weekend so much when I get Monday off right after. This weekend was the 4-H Horse Show, but Monday was all family time!
We went to Kansas City with my best friend's family and visited Deanna Rose Farm and Fritz's Railway restaurant. Both are favorites with our crew.
When we got home, I took a nap! Once I recovered a bit we played at the park because the weather was so nice. It was sweet to be with them all day. Extra sweet because I'm out of town with work this week. It is a good thing I will get to be with my 4-H family from across the state. They are a pretty fun bunch to hang out with!
I will be hoping Friday comes really soon!

Waiting for our wagon ride!

In the old school house!

Mining for gold! We did this first and it was Al's favorite.

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