Thursday, May 25, 2017

Last Day of 2nd Grade!

You did it Daryl! This post is me telling you how proud I am of you!! You did not have an easy year, your life got turned on its side a little bit. But, I'm so excited about your future because of how you have handled yourself. You are my inspiration some days little man, eye rolls and all!

I hope some day when you need it you can look back at this post and remember these TRUE things about your 8 year old self.

True things about 2nd grade Daryl:
1.)  You are a good friend! You proved that Tuesday night when you begged to go watch your friend's little sister graduate kindergarten. You could have done 100 other things but you wanted to sit by your friend and celebrate with his family.

2.) You are tough! You had some emotional roller coasters this year. Your teacher, guidance counselor and me all remarked that we don't know how you did it. You would go to school, do your work, play with your friends and when you needed to, you talked to your counselor. When you did need a friend to talk to, you had much love and support at your school. It takes a village to raise a child, and you Daryl, have an awesome village!

3.) You are stylish! I had to up my style game this year to even take pictures with you! You have goals to be a politician or scientist or archeologist when you grow up. So you decided, this year, you would start dressing for your future aspirations. Bravo young man, you looked good! Even when you got mad at me for not letting you wear dress shoes to school on a PE day!

4.) You are responsible! This year you started taking a twice daily prescription and had to wear head gear every night. Whenever I asked you at bedtime or in the morning if you had taken your pill 90% of the time you had. If you hadn't you let me know you just hadn't gotten to it yet. You have really grasped onto the concept of taking care of yourself this year, and did so without prompting.

Daryl if you can continue being a good friend, being tough, stylish and responsible there is no limit to what you will accomplish. Love you bud, and I'm just standing in your corner constantly being amazed by you!
Thank you for everything Mrs. Armfield!

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