Sunday, June 4, 2017

Alex's First Skate!

This weekend Alex has gotten to be the star of the family. He had a Tee Ball game on Saturday, and I actually got to be there! Then grandma took Daryl and Alex to watch Cadence play softball. Alex was cousin Canyon's sidekick!
When they got home today we went to our 4-H club's skating party! It was Alex's first time skating and he had a blast. He spent a lot of time on the ground, but our motto was have fun while falling!
His weekend wore him out so now we are just watching movies in the AC. It was a successful weekend.
Thankful for this little skating helper! 
It takes a village to keep Alex upright. 

I'm not tired mom! I don't want to nap! 

#15 needs to grow into his jersey. 

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