Friday, June 23, 2017

We are still here!

My poor neglected blog! When it is summer and The Manor is going 100mph you are often ignored, sorry!

The problem when I'm gone for too long is I have too much to write about. Good thing we have mostly been doing the same stuff for the last 20 days. The Boys have been playing baseball and I have been working. My next blog will be setting new goals for this year because other than saving money, everything else is already shot in the foot. I know it's only June but I can already tell you the goals I set in January ain't happening!

Got back from 4-H camp about 10 days ago. It was fun and Daryl got to go again this year. I rode home with his camp counselor and got some pretty interesting stories. Evidently, the session on rockets gave Daryl a chance to talk to his group of 8 year old boys about North Korea's missile program. "They are getting close to being able to hit the US, guys."

While walking to dinner one night he was educating them on Watergate. "You guys don't know about this? Richard Nixon had to resign!"

Then the icing on the cake was one evening when the counselor thought he heard Daryl telling the cabin that "America really should embrace socialism". OMG, this kid is too much! Granted we pay attention to the news at our house but I'm starting to think we need to watch more PBS cartoons in the morning and less CBS morning news!

When I got home I had a talk with Daryl but I really didn't know what I was trying to say. The jist was if other kids aren't worried about this stuff it is not your place to get the riled up. I don't know if that was the right lesson???  Before camp next year maybe we will just focus on the Horses, swimming and archery. Would that be too much to ask of my aspiring politician!?

Daryl getting ready to swim at camp!

We did make it to the pool last weekend.Yes Alex has a pink life vest. 
He picked in out himself, he likes the penguin!

Alex at bat as his tee ball game. He is doing really good!

1 comment:

  1. Daryl is a hoot. Alex is rocking that pink life vest. Boys look great in pink.

