Friday, July 7, 2017

Vacation Hangover

The only problem with a great vacation is coming back to reality! Honestly, the mountain temperature is what I miss more than anything.

We enjoyed our long weekend for Kaysha's Colorado wedding. It was a great reason to leave town and have some adventures.The biggest adventure was definitely driving up and down Pike's Peak. My palms were sweating on some of those climbs! Do cars fall off of Pike's Peak and we just never hear about it? The trip was worth it, we made it to the top! We stopped many times on the way back down and explored, because the top of the mountain was a little cold. Mom didn't really know how to pack for mountains. LOL!

We traveled home on the 3rd and enjoyed a very lazy 4th of July. We watched the Potwin Parade with our friends from their Potwin porch. Then we weaseled our way into a neighborhood BBQ and fireworks shenanigans! Sitting in a lawn chair guessing if the kids or adults will hurt themselves first is really the only way to celebrate the 4th of July!

The rest of this week has been rough! Neither the boys or I have found our groove after staying up late all vacation and sleeping in. Daryl has almost been in tears the last three days going to daycamp in the morning. I'm crying my tears on the inside! I plan to take lots of naps this weekend so next week I can finally be rested!

This was a fun adventure! We also hiked Dinosaur Ridge and spent lots of time in the hotel pool!
Matching Shirts! Daryl almost made me cry, but finally agreed to wear it. Love him!

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