Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Goal Assessment

We are over half way done with 2017. I am very OK with that. Parts of this year have felt like treading water, and while I don't know what will be different in 2018, I am ready to be done with this year.
In January I set goals and it really helps me focus my time and energy to do things that are good for me. I want to complete or get very close to completing all of my goals. After doing my monthly check in I realized that is not going to happen this year.
I'm not too upset with myself. I had no idea what my life was going to look like as a single mom, so I was just giving it my best guess. I thought maybe with mom living with me for the summer I would make some headway, but that has not been the case. Yes, mom is a great help but summer is still crazy and her being here has not created more hours in the day. Mom has kept the house from falling down and stopped the children from starving, so that is good!
So to keep my goals motivating I've made some revisions. Here we go again! Striving to be happy, healthy and informed here are 2017 goals v. 2.

Read 16 8 Books
Run 550 350 Miles
Knit 4 Sweaters Knit or Sew 4 Things
6 Trips (No Change, this is going good!)
Save $2,000 (I've already completed this goal!)

This entire week the boys have been with Kelly, it looks like they are having a great time. Daryl is in full County fair preparation mode. He bought the finishing touches to his buymanship outfits while with Kelly so he sent me pictures of the completed looks. I can't wait to see  him model on Friday and Sunday of the fair! He is so handsome!

Look how much they miss me! LOL

Daryl's Dressy Outfit

Daryl's Casual Outfit

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