Wednesday, April 26, 2017

That's the Kind of Mom I Am

Do you ever have one of those moments, that really defines you as a person? It is like the whole thing happenes in slow motion, and you can remember exactly when you made the decision you did?

This really doesn't happen for me. So, I was shocked yesterday morning when my world went into slow motion. The actual event was so fast but I made a thoughtful decision on how I was going to act. The decision says a lot about me. LOL!

The boys and I were sitting at the table having breakfast. Alex was having cereal with milk and was just telling me all the things! He was sitting funny on his chair, but that is pretty normal. I've told him many times to sit on his bottom. He had his left hand on the side of his cereal bowl, and as he leaned towards me his chair started to tip. He was wearing sweat pants so when his chair tipped he started to slide right out of it.

In that moment I knew, I could save my son from falling out of his chair and get milk and cereal everywhere, OR I could grab the bowl and let him learn a hard lesson of why we should sit in a chair properly.

Needless to say, I didn't clean up any milk yesterday morning! What can I say, that's the kind of mom I am. I did pick him up, and gave him lots of hugs.

I just love it when they are sweet to each other!
Alex couldn't reach to put the marble in the maze,
so Daryl offered to help him! 

My first knitting thing in a long time!
Need to pick out a new project to try and get
my mojo back. :-) 

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