Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter 2017

It has been awhile since my last post. Probably because there is not much to report. Alex had a small stomach bug that kept him home with Grandma for a few days, and Daryl has just been writing his speeches that he will give when he is President. I'm not even joking.

I did get to do my all time favorite thing for Easter this year, dress the boys in matching outfits!! This never gets old. I saw these green shirts at Target and I knew I had to get them. They looked so dapper!

The boys went to the Meerpohl family Easter, it is always a very good time. They came home with lots of smiles and candy, so that was a success.

With no kids and no plans to cook a ham, mom and I went to the casino! It was fun this time because I actually won some money. Its been about five years since that has actually happened, so I was pretty pumped. I always win on the fish machine so I need to just start playing that one first. LOL

I used my winnings to buy a lawn mower and last night mowed my yard. I haven't done that since I was pregnant with Daryl, and I actually enjoyed it. Got some exercise, and once again proved to myself I can take care of things. Feeling better and better everyday about life! Spring is starting to look very hopeful to me!!

Easter bunny left the boys baskets at Dad's! 

In our matching green! 

My Easter Brunch! It was great! 
Alex helping grandma plant flowers. This was before I mowed! LOL 

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