Friday, April 7, 2017

Momma Rosie is Home!!

Last Sunday was FINALLY my turn to host my mother. You see, my sister and brother and I all have shared custody over now retired Momma Rosie. She gets to live with all of her grand-kids, and we get an extra set of helping hands for awhile.

Mom started with Asa, then lived with Sofia, and now it's my turn!! It couldn't have come at a better time since once May roles around my life will get crazier than normal. I will be up to my eyeballs in work stuff, and with the help of my mom, will still get to enjoy it. My summer's are crazy, but they are also fun! I get to go to summer camp for work people, come on, that's cool!

The best part for the Blog is, we will now have funny Grandma stories to add to funny Daryl and Alex stories! Extra extra bonus for me is I can run in the mornings again!!! Hallelujah!! I've run every day this week.

So, the first funny story is how Purl is adjusting to having someone home with her all day. Mom says that Purl pretty much ignores her, except when they go to pick up Daryl from school, then Purl perks up because she gets a car ride! Well, yesterday I was getting a car seat out of mom's car and into mine and Purl jumped in mom's car. It was noon, way to early to pick Daryl up. I'm pulling out of the driveway and I see mom still trying to get purl out of her car. She has all four doors open and Purl won't get out! Twenty minutes later I get a text from mom, "Well I gave up, went and got my keys, and gave Purl a ride around town. Then she finally got out of the car!!"

Looks like Purl is getting spoiled like the rest of us!

Last night, Daryl and Purl were playing in the backyard while Mom was teaching Alex how to play slot machines on her kindle. That isn't even the funny story folks. I go to call Daryl in for supper and Purl bolts for the house. Daryl yells, "Don't let her in, she has a dead mouse!"

Well it was too late and she had her dead, STINKY mouse under the table gnawing on it. I got Purl put in her kennel and yelled "Mom!!! Get rid of it!!!" Mom just laughed, got a plastic sack and picked up the yucky smelly decapitated mouse. I did clean the carpet since she did the hard part!

So far I'm loving the new arrangement. ❤❤❤❤

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