Friday, March 24, 2017

Spring Break and A Breakout

You know what they say about the best laid plans, they often go awry. I had planned the first adventure of 2017 to see some dear friends who moved to Kentucky last year. It was so cute because Alex kept saying we were going to Tucky!

We were set to leave Friday morning and Thursday night Daryl said he had some itchy bug bites. I looked and there were a few on his legs and a few on his arms. My first thought was OMG, do we have fleas?!

I inspected the dog and the house and decided he must have gotten into something outside. I slept well on Thursday night.

Friday morning I got up and jumped in the shower, this usually wakes everyone up and soon I have an audience. If you could see the size of our bathroom you would know how hilarious this is. Me in the shower and Daryl, Alex and Purl all just hanging out. LOL

Daryl comes in and Alex says, "moooom, look at Daryl." That is when I see my poor baby is covered in hives. There were over his whole body. I didn't want to react so I calmly got them breakfast, sat them in front of a movie and waited till eight to call the doctor. We got in at 9:30 and Daryl was having a very bad reaction to some medicine he has been taking for a week.

With steroids to clear up the hives in hand I was still considering making the trip. The boys were really hopeful we could still go. Then, in the car, Daryl started to throw up. That was that, we were staying home. Probably for the best, he had a fever most of the day and couldn't keep much down. Thankfully, those symptoms were gone on Saturday and we just had to deal with the rash.

On Monday, he was all better and we decided to go ahead and stay at the hotel we had booked at Lake of the Ozarks for the way home from Tucky. Our room faced a sand beach and there was an indoor water park. It was a good, quick trip!

The funniest thing to me was how obvious it is that my boys don't leave Kansas much. When we were about an hour from our destination the highway got very hilly and windy. The boys started laughing and giggling, and Daryl said "Alex put your hands up in the air like a roller coaster!"
Daryl then said, "Mom this road is awesome, and we don't even have to pay for the ride!"
I was laughing at them so hard I had tears in my eyes. Then I completely lost it when I heard this!
Daryl- "These hills make my tummy feel funny!"
Alex-"It makes my wiener feel funny!"
(Everyone in the car bursting out laughing)
Poor Baby trying to sleep it off. 

Right outside our room at Lake of the Ozarks

The boys loved the lazy river because they could
both touch the bottom! 

On the way home we stopped at Legends!

All smiles post swim! Taking kids on a trip by yourself
is no joke. But I did it, and it was a success! 

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