Thursday, March 16, 2017

Waiting Game

I wasn't going to post until I was officially a member of the first wives club, but my divorce decree is probably hanging out on the Judge's desk right now. Kelly and I agreed on everything last week and I'm pretty sure it went to the judge on Monday.

Maybe I will feel different when it is all over but at this moment I just want to be done. Just another thing that needs to be crossed off of the to do list.

I'm in very good spirits, if it was warmer outside I would be even happier! Even the boys are ready for warmer weather and new adventures. They have spring break next week so I hope to post lots of pictures of them next time.

Daryl is doing very good with his headgear. Most nights he leaves it on all night. I don't know how he gets it off in the middle of the night, but he can do it. We are starting to find the little rubber bands everywhere. We will all be in the kitchen and wonder, how did that get there? His headgear doesn't leave his bedroom!

Alex is a proud little peacock these days with his new shoes. I had no idea his Thomas the Train sneakers were falling apart until he showed me one night. We all loaded up in the car and went to Target. Alex was looking at some all black shoes and Daryl found a pair with red on them in Alex's size. He said, "Alex look at these, they have your favorite color on them!" So of course Alex had to have them.

I love it when they are sweet with each other, it is rare, but amazing.
New Shoe Day! 
Sunday morning math! Don't get too excited
he watches tutoring videos on Youtube
then copies the equations. :-) Crazy Kid! 

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