Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Finishing Stuff in March!

Having a bunch of projects going at once stresses me out. So, I have decided to dedicate March 2017 to finishing stuff! So far this is the list:

Knitted Coffee Cup Sleeve (Been knitting since Dec.)

Wall Hanging for Living Room (Started in January)

The Book on my nightstand (Think I also started this in January)

That list doesn't seem so bad! This is not all of the works in project in my house but that wouldn't be realistic for one month.

I did finished my T-Shirt Quilt top in February and I can't wait to get it back from the Quilter, and on my bed! I started that project in 2006 or 2007! Getting that off the to do list has really motivated me to work on things I already have in my house and not purchasing new project supplies. Wish me luck!

I have a very large blank wall in the house. So I'm making a very large
wall hanging to put there. :-) All scraps from other sewing projects. 
Pesky little coffee cup sleeve.

This was my  bed last night, because the wind was scary. I should
have taken a picture of the whole bed so you could see the sliver I sleep on! 

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