Thursday, March 2, 2017

Running In Circles

I knew that my 2017 goals would be challenging. So far I'm not keeping pace if you divide the goals by 12 and look at what I have been doing for the first two months of the year. I need to amp up my reading time and my running miles. I am saving about as much money as I had anticipated, so that is a win. I have trips planned so that goal is also making progress.

So it seems that the goals I'm having trouble with are the ones I used to do in my free time. I now only have free time every other weekend. That is ok for reading, not so good for running.

Tuesday, it was very nice when I picked the boys up from school. I love to take them to our neighborhood park to play outside so I decided to put on my running shoes and run around the park! It's not a bad idea, it would be ideal if the park was a little bigger. I was literally running in circles with the boys playing in the middle. Two laps around the park is a little over a quarter mile. I ran 1.5 miles before the boys got bored. Then I took my running to them and we played tag for another half mile!

It wasn't a failed experiment, and something I will do again. It just won't be for very many miles. I think I would get dizzy going my normal three miles running around that park! My next experiment might be putting both boys on bikes and running while they ride. Daryl was good at that last year, Alex is probably still too young, but we will give it a shot.

Today Daryl had his mouthpiece put in. It is permanent so it won't come out until they are done widening his upper jaw. I have a picture of him wearing his head gear. It is too embarrassing to put on the internet, that means something coming from me! He is talking funny right now and not feeling any pain. The doctor let us know he will be sore in the mornings after wearing the head gear. He also got the long list of foods he can't eat right now. No more gum, nuts, chewy candies or beef jerky! He also has to cut hard foods before he eats them. Using his teeth to snap carrots apart or apples is a no no right now. He can chew hard foods he just can't use his teeth to snap/tear them apart. Lord help us get to May without breaking this thing out of his mouth!

How I keep Alex busy during a meeting! 

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