Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Relationship Woes

First, this post is not about me, it's about Daryl. ;-)

So, earlier this year Daryl let me know he has a girlfriend. I will not divulge her name because honestly, she may not even know. It is the typical grade school relationship. "We don't play together, we are just girlfriend and boyfriend. Geez Mom, what's with all the questions!"

Last week Daryl did tell me something that I thought was pretty cute, and might be helpful to others.

Daryl- "Mom remember when I didn't do my hair and I didn't care how I smelled?"
Me- "I remember, but you never smelled bad."
Daryl- "Well now that my hair looks nice and I smell good all the time girls like me, before they didn't like me. That is how I got a girlfriend."
Me- "So you are a ladies man now, huh."
Daryl- "Yep. I've always been nice, but you don't get a girlfriend unless you also smell good."

Sage advice Daryl, very wise.

Daryl, smelling nice and looking good, also had 4-H Club days on Saturday. He got a Blue on his project talk on Clothing Buymanship and his club got a Blue on their skit. I helped with the skit this year and that was fun. So proud of him, he did a lot better this year than last year!

**Fun 4-H fact, 65% of Kansas 4-H'ers are confident when they speak in front of groups!**

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