Friday, November 25, 2016

One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

Well my Thanksgiving did not go as I had planned. My mom and sister came up to stay with me while the boys went to Holton with Kelly. Kelly is trying to figure some things out and at this time he would like some space to do so.

So right now it will be the Candi, Daryl and Alex show on Meerpohl Manor. I don't want to have to dance around this in future posts, so I'm just going to throw it out there now and if the situation changes I'll throw that our there too.

Now, I don't like Facebook and social media drama. I'm not criticizing or complaining and I'm sorry if you think my blog gets to personal. But I write, it's how I make my peace with things. Also, its really hard to tell this to people in person. I've done it about four times now and its terrible. So it's selfish but you can read this on your own and I don't have to explain it over and over again.

We don't know how this will work out but I do know our entire family has a lot of people that love us. That makes us pretty lucky.

Please don't comment anything negative if you have to comment. We all still love Kelly. He deserves to be as happy as I have been.

I'm sorry guys, I can't have a funny story every time. Life doesn't work that way. But soon, I will have a funny story again. How can I not with my two little turkeys running around. They are the smile on my face and we are doing good.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Countdown to Eating!

I can't believe that it is already Thanksgiving week. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it is all about family and food. Christmas can stress you out with all the gifts and traditions but Thanksgiving is family time with none of the worry!

I'm also looking forward to getting all my Santas out of storage to decorate for Christmas. But, I will do this after Thanksgiving and not before! I used to wait until Dec. 1st,but now I just want them up longer so I can enjoy them. I need to also figure out a new decoration for the yard. Last year we added the big Christmas Tree, I'm thinking we need something new this year.

Last week Kelly and I got a date night at the Topeka's 20 under 40 banquet. It was a fun night of getting excited about the future of our community. A lot of people are doing great things to move Topeka forward and that is a fun thing to celebrate!

I also spent some quality time at Rock Springs with some of my 4-H'ers Friday to Sunday. When I got back the boys wanted to play outside, but I was done with being cold. I convinced them to play Candy Land inside and, darn it if Daryl didn't win every time. I even tried staking the deck in Alex's favor and Daryl would still draw a lucky card to put him to the castle first. Daryl likes winning but for the third game he gave me a "wink" and said he didn't want to play anymore. Alex was so happy because he could beat mom and dad and he finally got to win a game.

As much as my boys fight, they do care about each other. Makes my heart happy when they love on each other, even if it is just for a moment!

Date night! 

After dinner picture with some of our dear friends! We will miss them
especially since our kids finally stopped fighting and started playing really good! 

Monday, November 14, 2016

3 days home is enough!

Last weekend was a three day weekend for me. I had Friday off and no 4-H events on Saturday or Sunday. I enjoy a couple of days with nothing on the calendar, but three days almost drives me nuts!
On Friday, I spent TWO HOURS cleaning my kitchen. Now this was probably past due but I scrubbed the back splash, cabinets, appliances, and then scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees.

Then, I was thoroughly annoyed the next six times I had to clean it because we were all home and eating every meal at the kitchen island. If I spend so much time cleaning something, do me a favor, and stay out of that room!

I decided to invite company over on Sunday, because then the cleaning is not for my messy family, it is for my guests! That is completely OK and preferable!

On Friday, Alex's preschool went to a community display of gingerbread houses. He had fun looking at them, refused to sit on Santa's lap and got to make a graham cracker house of his own. I picked him up from school and he was so proud to show me his house. It was so cute! I got him buckled into his car seat and I sat the house next to him in the back seat. I'm driving along and next thing I hear is a crack! I look in the rear view mirror and he is dismantling his house eating all the candy off! "Alex, I wanted to take a picture of your house!"

"Sorry," he said, while shoving more house into his mouth. The next stop light I came to I got a quick picture with my cell phone of what was left of his cute little house!

Right now I'm working on making Daryl a matching sweater to Alex's. The goal is for them to wear them to church on Christmas. I'm sure they will both throw a fit if I actually try to make that happen, but what is Christmas without a few tears?! LOL :-)

I should get a lot knit this weekend as I'm chaperoning for a 4-H trip. I have great youth, so plenty of time can be spent knitting!
Start of Daryl's sweater

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Not Taking a Bite out of Crime

So this really is my fault. I knew the moment I did what I did, I shouldn't have.

Two days ago, Alex was running across the living room and hurdling the side of the recliner to land on my lap. He was pretty pleased he could hurdle himself that high so he kept doing it. About the third time he did it, I realized his cute little butt was right in my face when he landed. So the fourth time he did it, I bit it! I didn't bite him hard and I don't know why I did that!

He was shocked and he cried. He, in preschool, knows that we don't bite. Between giggles I apologized and let him know if he puts his butt in my face, I just might bite it!
Now, this was not the right thing to tell him. What he heard was "Butt in my face, I bite it." Well he is four! Almost every butt is in his face!!!

Later that evening Kelly went to help move some furniture at his friend's house. Tony has a son Alex's age, so Alex went with him. When they come home I ask how everyone was. Kelly, holding back giggles, trying to look stern said, "Not well, Alex bit Tony on the butt!" Oh my goodness,  Alex must have walked behind Tony at some point, and bit the butt in his face!

Also, it was not the gentle nibble mom did, he chomped on it. Sorry Tony! When I find the appropriate gift for, "Sorry my kid bit your ass," I'll put it in the mail.

I am not going to win mother of the year for 2016. I will try again in 2017!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

3 Families are Better than One!

This blog's original purpose was to keep the family across the state updated. It has turned into a place where I keep all of our family memories, and even some therapeutic writing for me.

This was one of those weeks that when it started, I didn't think I would have anything I wanted to share. On Tuesday, I attended the funeral for my Aunt Trudy. I wanted to pay my respects and hug my cousins. I keep them in my prayers and they learn to live life without her. Growing up Aunt Trudy always heaped lots of love and compliments on me, she was one of many people who made me believe in myself growing up. I wish I would have thanked her in person for that.

On my way to Dodge City to be with my family, I got the call from Kelly that his Grandmother had passed, later found out her service was on Friday. Grandma Ramirez was another woman who just loved on everyone. I met her when she was in her 80s, and she was an example of how to care for others. She left behind a beautiful family that I am so proud to be a part of. Love you Grandma Ramirez.

After all that I was kind of dreading my 4-H Achievement Night event that I had on the calendar for Saturday. I just felt like I had nothing to give. In truth I didn't, but on Saturday, celebrating our 4-H program, I received energy and joy from my 4-H'ers. They put my smile back on my face, and watching them and their families celebrate was exactly what I needed. I am lucky to have my SW Kansas Family, I'm lucky to have my Holton/Horton family and I am extremely luck to have my 4-H family! I don't do the 30 things I'm thankful for in November but I am thankful for my three families who all mean so much to me.

Thank you Kim for this picture!

Daryl had 1000 football questions for Carson after Grandma's service. :-)

The boys and I just relaxed all day today at home.