Friday, July 1, 2016

What the Heck Happened to June!

About now you have probably thought I'm giving up the blog. Dry your tears, I'm still in the blogging business.
(PS-I need to come up with a new term because business implies I'm making money, I can't stand pop up ads, so that is not the case!)
My absence has been quite the opposite of nothing going on to post about, the reason is actually being busy from dawn to dusk and not being able to muster the energy to put together the words.

Daryl has been keeping us hopping with his summer baseball. It has been fun to watch his team grow in their skills. They are not the best team in the league but I love watching them figure things out, and I think they have the best fans!

Daryl also got to go to a Royals game last weekend with a friend. He enjoys the Royals a lot more now that he is playing baseball. Looks like dad will have a buddy to watch baseball with after all!
With Daryl and dad gone so much for baseball Alex and I have been getting a lot of quality time together. He has come to work stuff with me, we have played hide and seek at home and checked out the new spray park at the baseball diamond. He has become pretty attached to mom this summer and I LOVE IT!!

Mom had a big birthday a couple of days ago. Happy 60th mom! I know I always tease you about being old but truth be told you are one of the strongest people I know. From what I hear you came into this world working hard and haven't stopped. You keep up with 7 grand kids and you are so close to retirement you can probably taste it! Most impressive is not matter what life has thrown your way you have always kept a beautiful smile on your face! Love you mom! Happy Birthday!

I leave you with the most epic fall by a hit batter. I want you to know the video is not in slow motion, that is how Daryl hit the ground. I will also let you know he was just fine, no bruise or anything. :-)

Daryl tried his hand at catcher. He wasn't bad at it!

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