Monday, July 18, 2016

This post brought to you by Sleep!

Sleep will be in low supply as Fair Week progresses so last night Kelly and I went to bed at 8:50pm! We put the boys to bed and then decided after a long weekend bed is where we wanted to be too. It payed off because I felt great today and got a lot done. The fair starts on Thursday and I'm almost ready. :-)
This will be Daryl's first fair as a full 4-H'er and we pre entered for four entries. Turns out we are a typical 4-H family and we will probably only be bringing two things! Purl got her last shot today so she will be ready to go to the Dog Show on Friday and his Electric project has been done for over a week. I just hope he remembers to call it a circuit when he talks to the judge and not a circus like he usually does. He has a fool proof plan if it doesn't work when he shows it to the judge, he is just going to tell them, "It worked at home." (Insert shoulder shrug here) :-)
Last week I went outside and like normal Daryl and Alex were having a little baseball game. Daryl says, "come here mom and I'll introduce you to the team." That piqued my interest so I went over to him, that's when I was told I was standing on the pitcher! I love my boys imagination!!
I will try and get some pictures posted of Daryl's fair later this week, and we are getting a new roof on Friday so I'll get some pictures of that too! Such a busy week!!
First Base




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