Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Fair Is Not Really "Fair"

Last week's Shawnee County Fair was one of my better ones. There are always things that could be better but there were no disasters, so that is something! My families also did so well with the heat that I couldn't ask much more of them. The day after the fair it rained and cooled down, so that figures!
This was Daryl's first fair and I got a whole new perspective on the week as I helped him get his two projects ready to go. His Electric project was an example of a circuit and he got a purple ribbon for his exhibit. He was really excited about that one because he and dad did it! His other project was to finally enter Purl into a dog show after attending practices since November. I would have had more confidence in him and Purl had he practiced any at home. Daryl's favorite part of dog practice is just being with the other kids. Our dog Purl is just kind of an accessory, and she pretty much doesn't know why she is there! I was prepping Daryl for the worst before the dog show, saying just don't get disqualified.
The night before the show I was still talking to him about scratching because when he would practice at home Purl would just lay down and Daryl would try to drag her around the yard. I was really scared that would happen at the show and lectured Daryl, if Purl lays down just leave her alone. I repeat DO NOT DRAG HER AROUND THE SHOW RING.
This was an important point to make because Daryl practices with a harness so when he pulls on Purl it pulls her around her body. The showmanship lead is just a cord around her neck. I will let you visualize that at a dog show and you will see why I was panicked.
So Dog Show day comes and I'm literally hiding on the floor between the bleachers. You see, if Purl sees me, she won't do anything Daryl is trying to do and will just try to run to me. In the middle of the year I had to stop taking Daryl to dog practices because Purl would do this.
Ok, so I'm hiding in the seats and Kelly is ring side and also taking pictures. This is hilarious all on its own because if you told Kelly 10 years ago he would be helping at a dog show he would have laughed in your face. Kelly tolerates dogs and only because I've had a dog ever since he met me.
Daryl has two other kids in his showmanship class and when they enter the ring I don't even know if I can watch. But then out of no where Purl starts following Daryl around the ring, doesn't lay down and doesn't try to fight the other dogs. All of these things are new!
So, Daryl ended up getting the reserve class champion and he was all smiles! After the dog show this conversation happened:
Daryl-Mom said I wasn't going to do very well.
Kelly-Ya, because you didn't practice very much.
Daryl-But I got a purple ribbon.
Daryl-So mom doesn't really know how good I am!

Moral of the story, the Fair is not fair, but mostly for the parents!
Remember that Kelly was supposed to be taking pictures, this was the ONLY one! 

Thankfully the paper was there and got this great picture!

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