Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Fair Is Not Really "Fair"

Last week's Shawnee County Fair was one of my better ones. There are always things that could be better but there were no disasters, so that is something! My families also did so well with the heat that I couldn't ask much more of them. The day after the fair it rained and cooled down, so that figures!
This was Daryl's first fair and I got a whole new perspective on the week as I helped him get his two projects ready to go. His Electric project was an example of a circuit and he got a purple ribbon for his exhibit. He was really excited about that one because he and dad did it! His other project was to finally enter Purl into a dog show after attending practices since November. I would have had more confidence in him and Purl had he practiced any at home. Daryl's favorite part of dog practice is just being with the other kids. Our dog Purl is just kind of an accessory, and she pretty much doesn't know why she is there! I was prepping Daryl for the worst before the dog show, saying just don't get disqualified.
The night before the show I was still talking to him about scratching because when he would practice at home Purl would just lay down and Daryl would try to drag her around the yard. I was really scared that would happen at the show and lectured Daryl, if Purl lays down just leave her alone. I repeat DO NOT DRAG HER AROUND THE SHOW RING.
This was an important point to make because Daryl practices with a harness so when he pulls on Purl it pulls her around her body. The showmanship lead is just a cord around her neck. I will let you visualize that at a dog show and you will see why I was panicked.
So Dog Show day comes and I'm literally hiding on the floor between the bleachers. You see, if Purl sees me, she won't do anything Daryl is trying to do and will just try to run to me. In the middle of the year I had to stop taking Daryl to dog practices because Purl would do this.
Ok, so I'm hiding in the seats and Kelly is ring side and also taking pictures. This is hilarious all on its own because if you told Kelly 10 years ago he would be helping at a dog show he would have laughed in your face. Kelly tolerates dogs and only because I've had a dog ever since he met me.
Daryl has two other kids in his showmanship class and when they enter the ring I don't even know if I can watch. But then out of no where Purl starts following Daryl around the ring, doesn't lay down and doesn't try to fight the other dogs. All of these things are new!
So, Daryl ended up getting the reserve class champion and he was all smiles! After the dog show this conversation happened:
Daryl-Mom said I wasn't going to do very well.
Kelly-Ya, because you didn't practice very much.
Daryl-But I got a purple ribbon.
Daryl-So mom doesn't really know how good I am!

Moral of the story, the Fair is not fair, but mostly for the parents!
Remember that Kelly was supposed to be taking pictures, this was the ONLY one! 

Thankfully the paper was there and got this great picture!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Happy Birthday Dear Alex!

My baby is four years old today! Today is also the day I stay late at work and set up for the Shawnee County Fair that is Thursday-Sunday. Poor kid will always share his special day with all of the 4-H'ers of Shawnee County who need me now too.

So, for today we did birthday as soon as he got up! We had birthday pancakes, he didn't like them because I had the audacity to put in a banana. Then he got his birthday present. He has been wanting a transforming Batcave for about five months now and last night he was just sure he was finally going to get one. He was a little confused because he thought we needed to set out cookies and carrots for Santa but I finally convinced him this present is from Mom and Dad!

He was right and he got his Batcave. He was thrilled. Happy Birthday little man, you are my tough guy who still likes to cuddle and kiss your mom! I'm going to keep on carrying you as long as I can, but those days are numbered!!

I stayed home for a couple of hours this morning with the birthday boy. He insisted on taking his batcave
into every room we went into. Including kitchen and bathroom!

Monday, July 18, 2016

This post brought to you by Sleep!

Sleep will be in low supply as Fair Week progresses so last night Kelly and I went to bed at 8:50pm! We put the boys to bed and then decided after a long weekend bed is where we wanted to be too. It payed off because I felt great today and got a lot done. The fair starts on Thursday and I'm almost ready. :-)
This will be Daryl's first fair as a full 4-H'er and we pre entered for four entries. Turns out we are a typical 4-H family and we will probably only be bringing two things! Purl got her last shot today so she will be ready to go to the Dog Show on Friday and his Electric project has been done for over a week. I just hope he remembers to call it a circuit when he talks to the judge and not a circus like he usually does. He has a fool proof plan if it doesn't work when he shows it to the judge, he is just going to tell them, "It worked at home." (Insert shoulder shrug here) :-)
Last week I went outside and like normal Daryl and Alex were having a little baseball game. Daryl says, "come here mom and I'll introduce you to the team." That piqued my interest so I went over to him, that's when I was told I was standing on the pitcher! I love my boys imagination!!
I will try and get some pictures posted of Daryl's fair later this week, and we are getting a new roof on Friday so I'll get some pictures of that too! Such a busy week!!
First Base




Sunday, July 10, 2016

Happy 4th! (six days late)

Last weekend was so much fun! Kelly and I had something to do every night and we enjoyed one of our precious free weekends of the summer. On Friday we went to the Kansas concert at the Expocentre. I only knew two songs but it was still a great time. I don't know what I enjoyed more, the band or the Hazel Hill caramel apples. It was a close call! 
On Saturday we did some fireworks at home and then went to Baldwin to see our friends' super fireworks show! It was as impressive as always! I also enjoyed seeing their three kids and Alex had so much fun in their toy room he said he was talking some of them home. I did not let him "steal" any of the toys, so we did leave that party with Alex throwing a fit. 
On Sunday we made a trip to Holton to have a laid back day of food and fireworks with Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl. The boys had so much fun Alex cried when we left their too! We couldn't have asked for a better weekend with family and friends! 

The toys I did not let him take home! 

We had surprise visitors stopping by after their big trip to Florida! 

Daryl walked in the Fiesta parade with 4-H and we saw some family! 

After the fiesta parade we went to the train festival. It was a busy day in Topeka! 

Friday, July 1, 2016

What the Heck Happened to June!

About now you have probably thought I'm giving up the blog. Dry your tears, I'm still in the blogging business.
(PS-I need to come up with a new term because business implies I'm making money, I can't stand pop up ads, so that is not the case!)
My absence has been quite the opposite of nothing going on to post about, the reason is actually being busy from dawn to dusk and not being able to muster the energy to put together the words.

Daryl has been keeping us hopping with his summer baseball. It has been fun to watch his team grow in their skills. They are not the best team in the league but I love watching them figure things out, and I think they have the best fans!

Daryl also got to go to a Royals game last weekend with a friend. He enjoys the Royals a lot more now that he is playing baseball. Looks like dad will have a buddy to watch baseball with after all!
With Daryl and dad gone so much for baseball Alex and I have been getting a lot of quality time together. He has come to work stuff with me, we have played hide and seek at home and checked out the new spray park at the baseball diamond. He has become pretty attached to mom this summer and I LOVE IT!!

Mom had a big birthday a couple of days ago. Happy 60th mom! I know I always tease you about being old but truth be told you are one of the strongest people I know. From what I hear you came into this world working hard and haven't stopped. You keep up with 7 grand kids and you are so close to retirement you can probably taste it! Most impressive is not matter what life has thrown your way you have always kept a beautiful smile on your face! Love you mom! Happy Birthday!

I leave you with the most epic fall by a hit batter. I want you to know the video is not in slow motion, that is how Daryl hit the ground. I will also let you know he was just fine, no bruise or anything. :-)

Daryl tried his hand at catcher. He wasn't bad at it!