Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Long Weekend Over, Back to Work!

 It might be Tuesday but it still feels like a Monday to me! The Manor did get a chance to sneak away this long weekend back to SW Kansas.
My nephew Canyon graduated 8th grade and while we couldn't make the ceremony we did want to give him some in person congrats and hugs!
I remember the phone call I received my freshman year of college telling me I was an Aunt for the very first time when Canyon was born. Soon he will be taller than me, time has flown!

 With my family and my sister's family together for two days of course we had to play ball, go to a park, fish and stay up too late visiting and watching movies. It was a good time spent with them and I miss them already!

I'm also going to be missing my own family this week as I head to K-State with some of my 4-H'ers. We will be there till Friday and then I'll turn around and take some different 4-H'ers to camp till next Tuesday.

I got some hugs this morning but probably not enough. I just hope the week goes by fast for me! I know it will go by fast for them. Daryl started day camp today at Gage park. He loved this camp last year and was so excited to go back. Alex will be at Ron and Claudia's and he missed them over the long weekend and was ready to be with them today too. Grandma Rosie is coming up for the weekend so they have that to look forward to as well. They won't even notice I'm gone. :-)

Kelly is starting to work with Alex and saying his "S" sounds. He needs to get a video of the way he says spoon, squirrel and school before Alex fixes them. I love the way he can't say things just right. I can't even type how he says them, I just tried, it's too cute. So while I'm gone Kelly work on that video of my Baby Alex before he is a big boy!

Bye all, I'll catch up with you in June!

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