Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Last Day of 1st Grade

Had a fun day following Daryl around as he finished 1st grade. School let out at 11:30 so I took the whole day off to hang out with him after the morning. I'm glad I did because I got a lot done too. I did laundry, ran outside, made a trip to Target and got a haircut. Many things I have been needing to do for a couple weeks now.
I will now share for you Daryl's day!

He started out with his favorite breakfast, over easy egg
with toast to dunk in the yolk! 
Picture on the first day of school. 

Have to take your picture by the rock!

Last time in awhile seeing our bus stop friend Nelly!

Loading up for the last time!

Saying goodbye to Mrs. G. She was exactly the teacher Daryl
needed and he adores her. He tried to talk her into being his
2nd grade teacher!

Lunch with mom and dad and it was Daryl's choice. So he got
a Happy Meal.

After lunch we hung out at the library for a bit. Daryl is determined
to stay on his reading level so he already read his 20 minutes for today. 

After the library it was time to play ball in the backyard.
He doesn't need me, he can catch and bat all by himself.

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