Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kitchen Refresh 98% Done!

We got our long awaited counter top today! Yay! For being so tiny I don't know why it took a month to get it. All Kelly has left is a couple of pieces of trim and we are all done. I'm going to go ahead and post the "it's done" pictures because I don't know how much a of a difference the trim pieces are going to make anyway.
So in recap new fridge, new floor, new baseboards, two new cabinets that we tried really hard to match but I don't care that they don't match and new tiny counter top for new coffee station!
PS-In the middle of this project our microwave of three years decided to be a butt and stop working. That is on the list to replace in May. IT NEVER ENDS!!!! (and now that i have one pretty counter top i want to replace the rest, shhhhh don't tell Kelly)
Before with yucky white floor

After! Kelly has a piece to put on the inside of that cabinet.
That is the 2% not done yet. 

Yay, Kitchen project over! Our new floor is tile, it kind of looks like laminate
in pictures,but it's not.

Good help is hard to find, Kelly put in the new
outlet upside down. Silly Kelly! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter! From A Big Ol' Liar.

Even with Alex bugging us every day of March about the Easter Bunny the Bunny still came to our house. I didn't get flustered and spill the jelly beans to both boys even though I wanted to! Daryl is starting to figure things out with the help of an apathetic parent.
The week before Easter both boys had to come to my office because their sitter had the flu. I just needed to send a couple of e-mails and then I was going to take a vacation day to be at home with them. I left my office for 30 seconds and the boys discovered the toys I bought for their Easter Baskets from Amazon! Oops!
I quickly told Alex the toys were for another person in the office and they were just hiding them in my office. That appeased them and he was still looking forward to the Easter Bunny bringing him those exact same toys. Daryl looked at my with disgust in his eyes and said "really mom, those toys are for us aren't they?" I shot him a look that clearly said, "Zip It Bud."
Many days later when it was just Daryl and I in the car he brought it up again. I told him that yes I buy them the toys they get at Easter. I said that I like to do it and let the Easter Bunny get credit. I said the Easter Bunny only brings candy filled eggs and Mom and Dad do the rest.
He was appeased and promised not to tell Alex. Oh, the webs we weave to keep our kids little for just a day longer.
Did you hear it snowed Easter Morning in Eastern Kansas? Well it did, so the Easter Bunny put the baskets and eggs inside. Turns out she hates the cold too!
Easter morning, the boys were up at 6:15am, not bad for them!

Daryl's Easter Basket

Alex's Easter Basket

We were happy to host the family this Easter! 

Let the family egg hunt begin! 

What a great day! 

Monday, March 21, 2016

2016 Spring Break Busy!

Playing cards on Wyatt Earp Blvd.
The Manor had a full and fun Spring Break! Daryl went back to school today and this mom is pretty happy to be getting back on a schedule.
The boys and I spent a few days in Southwest Kansas to see family and play with cousins.
It is a long road trip but always worth it. We did however make a mistake of not packing our coats. Why is it always cold on Spring Break?
Stage Coach Ride
We didn't take Kelly with us because he wanted to work on the floor. Or, I wanted him to work on the floor. Either way, he stayed home and the floor was almost finished!

Since I bragged last week about my awesome running skills I will be honest and let you know I only ran twice all of last week. Pride comes before the fall! Looking to get back on track this week, the clock in ticking towards my April 9th race.

Cousin Fun! 
This week the agenda consists of cleaning the house for Easter guests, knitting a little and catching up on my running. As long as I stay focused that should all be doable!

Old Yucky white tile
New Brown Tile

Grout went on yesterday, hopefully we can get it cleaned off tonight! 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Spring has Sprung, Let's Go Run!

 This morning I had a ten mile run to log. I could not have asked for a better morning, it was 55 degrees and misting. It was so refreshing! I was having such a good run I probably went a little too fast. My legs have been telling me that all day. This was my first ten miler of the year and I felt good the whole time. Good start with a half coming up in early April!

With all the rain we had today we also got a pretty great rainbow! My camera phone didn't do it justice.
It's been a pretty great weekend and all very unexpected. On a whim Kelly and I decided to go to the Big 12 Tournament championship game. Tickets got reasonable Saturday morning so we decided to just do it!
It was a lot of fun and I was so happy to see our boys cut down the nets. West Virginia gave them a good game but the Hawks came out on top! I'm looking forward to the Big Dance with this team. They are very special!
Our seats were pretty high up but we  found some closer seats for the trophy ceremony! 

Perry was the last one to cut down the net. We were all chanting his name! 

Just as exciting Friday night I finished sewing my Pajama pants! They are
sooooooooooo comfy! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Teaching Stranger Danger

One of the perks of being a 4-H Agent's kid is you get to
go to a lot of 4-H meetings! 
We have really been enjoying the warmer weather by playing outside everyday! Daryl has been making obstacle courses for his bike and Alex has been swinging on the new swing set.
On Sunday Daryl had to go to two church services because Kelly sang at 8:30 but he was ringing bells at 11:00. Kelly took Daryl back to church and I stayed home with Alex.
I had some picking up to do inside the house so Alex went to the backyard to play by himself. I was keeping an eye on him and for the most part he was just swinging and the swing set is pretty close to the house.
At some of these meetings you get cool swag like fish
of Kansas trading cards!
PS-His fingernail is not black, I painted it.
He asked me to, and it's fun! 
I looked out again and he was chasing Purl and throwing leaves on her. She looked like she was enjoying the game so I didn't go outside. Alex went all the way to the edge of the yard to get more leaves and I noticed a walker with his dog in the cemetery behind our house. This is not unusual but Alex being out by the fence by himself was new. I moved to the sun room and kept watching. The man walked by and I don't think Alex even knew he was there.
I finished up what I was doing and then headed out to push Alex on the swings. I decided to have the "stranger" chat with him.

Me-Alex if a stranger tries to talk to you through the fence you need to run up to the house, ok?
Alex-What would the stranger say?
Me-I don't know they might just say hi or they might ask you to go with them to get ice cream.
Alex-Ice Cream! The stranger would take me to ice cream?!
Me-No Alex, they would just say that to get you away from mom and dad.
Alex-But then we would get Ice Cream!
Me-No Alex, there is no Ice Cream, they just want to take you.
Alex-Oh, Ok.
Me-So if a stranger tries to talk to you, run back up to the house, ok?
Alex-Ok, and you take me to Ice Cream.
Me-Let's just swing.
Also on Sunday Daryl and I took a run/ bike ride through the cemetery. I got in two miles and we had a very nice talk about Papa Daryl. If you don't know Daryl is names after my Dad who died when I was 20. The two never got to meet.
Daryl asked what he has is common with Papa Daryl. I gave him the following list:
You are both kind
You both laugh at funny things
You are both very good singers
and you are both very very smart
Daryl was pretty happy to know he is so like his namesake, made me pretty darn happy too!