Friday, February 26, 2016

I've made a parenting error, again.

A picture of the kid who is going to ruin Easter Bunny for everyone! 

So I don't feel great about lying to the boys, but we ALL DO IT. So we have Santa under control because he only brings one gift and it's always a very reasonable practical gift. Mom and Dad's gift is always the good gift. As it should be, Santa should not bring your kid an IPad while he only brings the neighbor kid a coloring book. (This post is not about that soap box that I do get on every December.)
Where I have really shot myself in the foot is with that da** Easter Bunny. Actually, this might be more Kelly's fault than mine, follow me here.
Two weeks ago Daryl was going to the store to spend his allowance. He had saved a few weeks so he had $15 bucks. Kelly felt bad for Alex because every time Daryl goes to spend his allowance Alex doesn't get anything. I am TOTALLY OK with that. Alex whines but he knows that Daryl does chores and the money he is spending is from working. When I take Daryl for this errand I usually con Daryl into getting some candy too that he can share with Alex in the car.
Done, Everyone is Happy, and I didn't have to Buy Anything!
Well Kelly had a different plan and without consulting with me he cleaned out Alex's piggy bank and came up with about twenty bucks so Alex could get a toy too.
Before you go congratulating Kelly on such a great idea think about how many times Alex gets money in his piggy bank. TWICE a year, money only gets into that little pig on his birthday and Christmas. Do you see the picture that is being painted here. Alex is so happy with his Legos for one day, he is three. That happened on a Saturday and Sunday Alex was crying to go back to the store. We told him he was out of money, crying continues because he wants more Legos.
The Candy strategy is now out the window, this kid only wants Legos. And before you think chores and allowances for Alex I've considered that.We only started doing allowance with Daryl when he turned 5 and Daryl's chores are not throw away jobs. They help me everyday as they are all things I would have to do if he wasn't doing them. I don't think Alex can do those types of things just yet and I don't want to pay him for nothing, that's not how the world works.
So in a moment of weakness I told him maybe the Easter Bunny would bring him some Legos. WHY DID I DO THAT! EASTER IS SO FAR AWAY! So now every day I get asked "Is it Easter? Did the Easter Bunny bring me Legos?"
Last night he was talking about the Easter Bunny bringing him three Legos sets and I had to lay down the law, "Alex, the Easter Bunny is not like winning the lottery. You are getting one toy, underwear and candy. And you know mom is going to eat half your candy."
Ugh, that still hasn't stopped the constant, "Is it Easter yet?" If we make it to Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, without me calling BS on the Easter Bunny it really will be a divine miracle.
I am not a strong person, these fictional characters that keep our kids kids, get harder and harder for me every year. I need a moment, or a beer. Scratch that. I need a moment and beer and hot tub!

After owning this thing for four years we finally turned it on! Kelly is still working on the chemical balance, hope to get in it tonight! 

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