Saturday, February 13, 2016

4-H Club Days!

Today was our County Club Days. This event is where youth get to practice public performance and it is one of my favorite 4-H events. I liked public speaking when I was younger so I really like being able to recognize and build that skill in youth.
Daryl did Club Days last year as a Clover Bud but this year he was able to participate in many many different events as a 4-H'er; he could sing, he could act, he could read a poem, the sky was the limit! He did two events. :-)
He was the mayor in our 4-H club skit, he looked very much the part. He also did his first project talk on, "How to get your dog to sit." This is his first year in the dog project so that is really the only thing he knows how to do at this point.
He kept putting off working on his talk and finally on Wednesday I said you have to do this now because you signed up for it and I won't let you scratch out of the event. So he wrote it on Wednesday, practiced once on Thursday and once on Friday. You can have a poster with your project talk but we barely got the talk part done!
He did so good at home looking at us and ad libbing. Today was a different story. He was very quiet and would not look up from his paper. Oh well, you have to start somewhere! He got a red ribbon which means we have a lot of room for upper mobility!
It was a good day and a good event. I am glad that it is over for another year and hopefully I can talk Daryl into participating more next year!

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