Saturday, February 20, 2016

House Projects!

First off, people it was 80 degrees today! It was amazing!! I got to do my long run outside around Lake Shawnee. Lake Shawnee is such a treasure for Topeka.  The trail all the way around is 6.75 miles. I know because I ran it today, I needed seven miles so I went a little bit over once around. I've never run all the way around the lake so I was pretty proud of myself.
Before my run Alex and I had a picnic in the backyard. Turns out you can have a picnic with leftover Chinese food and cheerios. We couldn't waste the day eating indoors.
While we were eating lunch outside we were also supervising the work being done on the new swing set. The boys got this set for Christmas but we were waiting for it to be nice to put it together. It wasn't going to get much nicer than today!
Alex was over the moon about it, he kept calling it a tree house but said over and over, "Dad I love my tree house!"

Kelly got a lot of projects done this week as he took a well deserved week off. We had originally planned on finishing the kitchen this week but the cabinets were not in. Kelly is not one to just hang out so he made another list he could knock out. He raked up all the leaves, painted the kitchen, did some drywall, got an oil change, hung some pictures and shuffled the boys wherever they needed to be. Good Job Kelly! I have put some photos in to show the progress in the Kitchen. Our freezer stopped working in November and that is when we found out it was six thousand dollars to replace.

That was JUST FOR THE FREEZER! So we decided to get a more traditional fridge and freezer but that left us with a big hole. So we are going to put two new cabinets in, one where the trash compactor was and a bottom cabinet for where the freezer was.
We are also planning on replacing the floor tile. At this point we are stuck until the cabinets come in. That date is March 6th, lets hope that happens so we can use spring break for the floors and cabinets!

Here is the closest thing I could find to a before picture with the old fridge and freezer. They had paneling on them so they looked like the cabinets. They were huge!
Here is the new fridge! Here it sits in the middle of where the old fridge and freezer was.
This is what it looks like behind the old fridge and freezer. Yuck! 

After a couple days of work Kelly has the drywall in and it is painted. Yay! This is not the finished picture, this is just the primer.  

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