Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Calm Before the Fair

Tomorrow starts my 5th Shawnee County Fair! I don't know if I'm getting the hang of it or forgetting something because right now I'm eerily calm. hmmmmm
I can't think of anything else that needs done before 7am tomorrow so I am just waiting.....
The fair is a lot of fun and I enjoy when it is actually here and happening. Another great thing about the fair is Grandma Rosie comes to help the whole family get through the four days of activities. She will have even more jobs this year because it is Daryl's first year participating as a Clover Bud. He has to have his project judged and then work a shift for his club's cookie sale. It will be a fun time for all of us.
I wanted to show off some new yarns I spun. I had wanted to spin my whole pile of fiber that is pictured but two out of three ain't bad!

Got Daryl all enrolled for school today. It is crazy that the first day of school is two weeks away. He is excited to be in first grade and this year he will be riding the bus. I can tell he has a little anxiety about that but it is something he wants to do. He rode a bus to his day camp this summer so he made a point to tell me he CAN ride the bus to school. I know he will do fine, and I will get to walk to the bus stop with him every day instead of driving him to school. We will still get a few moments of Mommy/Daryl time every morning!

On top of everything else we are doing this month we had one of our trees cut down in front of our house. We have lived in our home for three years now and can't get grass to grow in the front yard. The last thing it could be is our yard was too shady. Well, that won't be a problem anymore!
Sorry the picture is a little dark, I didn't get home till 8:30pm! 

I hope everyone had a happy end to July, if you are in the area come say "Hi" to me at the fair!

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