Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer Fun!

Saturday, I had a night out with the office ladies. We went to Paint Therapy Uncorked and made masterpieces! I think most of us were pretty nervous about our painting ability but we actually all did pretty good. Lisa's bird even looked better than the example! 

 Cindy is making happy trees!

 Look and Lisa's bird, isn't it great! Laurie's trees are very pretty too! I think she should hang it above her fireplace!

I gave my painting to Kelly! I made him hang it right away. :-)

Today, we took the boys to the pool and when we were paying we realized it is the last time Alex will get in free. Tomorrow, he will be three! I don't know where the time has gone but I do remember spending a couple of hours in the pool exactly three years ago. I was at the end of my rope in July 2012 and Kelly thought going to the pool would help me feel better. It did and later that night I went into labor!

 It was funny to be at the pool again with my almost three year old! When I kissed him goodnight I told him when he wakes up he will be three. He didn't care that much but Daryl thought it was sweet! We will probably go get some ice cream tomorrow to celebrate the big day!  

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