Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Verbal Cues

On our way to Daryl's first day of day camp yesterday he was babbling on in the back seat of the car.
He was trying to tell me something but it was coming out like this.
Daryl-"Mom you know that thing Red Cross stop sign, Red Cross red sign, Blue Cross blue sign,..."
Me-"Do you mean Blue Cross Blue Shield?"
Daryl-"Ya! Do you know about that place?"
Me-"What about it?"
Daryl-"It's a HUGE place and it is downtown and Owen's mom works there."
Daryl-"Oh nothing I was just thinking about how big it is, it is really big."

That was the first time I realized he was nervous about day camp. He has been talking about it for weeks and he knows all the fun stuff they will do. However, when he starts talking about stuff out of the blue really fast, I know he is nervous.

When I picked him up he was all smiles. Although he looked tired and said he wanted to read when he got home. I asked him if he was tired and he was because they played ALL DAY! The report I got was lots of sports, went swimming and rode on the carousel. He is excited to go back today.

I have a feeling the knitting mojo is finally back! 
On vacation I finished my cable hat and started a new knit with some of my handspun yarn. I liked the yarn but I'm wondering if the cardigan is going to be too colorful. I got some outside opinons yesterday and was told if I wear it with black pants it should be fine. :-)
The cable hat was supposed to be for me but even when I knit the largest size it still doesn't fit my pumpkin head. It fits Daryl just fine, he inherited my big head!

Today, marks an almost week of unplugging. I am leaving for 4-H camp at noon and since the internet service is spotty I'm just not even going to try. Also, the youth are not allowed to bring their phones or computers so I don't want them mad at me trying to use mine.
So for now, this is see you later, I hope to have major progress to report on Sunday on my Harvest Moon cardigan!

1 comment:

  1. Yes that is so true, but thought Daryl didn't like you hand made caps?
