Sunday, June 7, 2015

Back Home!

After a great week at Rock Spring 4-H camp with my awesome 4-H'ers I was ready to spend time with my awesome kids! I got home Saturday afternoon to find that Grandma Rosie had made the road trip to visit The Manor.
 On Saturday I was a little too tired to do much of anything but watch the boys play in their little pool. Made up for that today! The boys and I went to the Zoo, Rode the Gage Park train and the Carousel. When it was lunch time we met up with Kelly and Mom who had been playing golf. We decided to go  check out Germanfest in Oakland neighborhood. The food was fantastic and all the festivities were a lot of fun. That was the first time we have made it to Germanfest but we will definitely be back!
What a great Topeka day!

The zoo has added an amazing play area by the Tigers.
It was very cool! 
Daryl had a great first week at camp. He even got an award on his last day for listening and awesomness. I could not be more happy with the program the Back To Nature camp staff has put together. In one week he went swimming, fished, went canoeing, roller skated and bowled. Wow! I'm sad he won't be going this week, he was on the waiting list and didn't get called. After that he is signed up for the rest of the summer.

It was funny to learn that they sing a lot of the same songs at Daryl's daycamp that we sing at  4-H camp. Daryl started singing one of his goofy songs and I would join in. Then I started a song and he stopped me mid Milk song.
Daryl-"Mom stop!"
Daryl-"Why don't you sing your own songs and quit copying mine!"
PS-Kelly has yet to find a camp song that he likes, but Daryl and I will keep trying to convert him to a camp song lover!

Daryl and Alex waving at the train after their Carousel ride. Alex loves that darn train, I need to buy more of those packs on 15 tickets. They are a dollar a piece that way instead of 1.25 if you buy them one by one.
I did make progress on my Harvest Moon cardigan while I was at camp. I'm still on my first skein of yarn so my goal this week is to finish that skein. I would also like to take any length of run this week and I've been nursing a sore toe since our last day of vacation in Wisconsin. I hope I just jammed my pinky toe and didn't break it. I will try a run out in the morning if it isn't raining.

This last picture is for you Uncle Steve. Kelly piled up all the shoes he found in the living and dinning room tonight. You will notice Daryl has two pair and I have three. I've only been home a day and a half! I thought my Uncle Steve would laugh because he couldn't believe how many shoes I had laying around his house and I was only there two days! Evidently, it can happen pretty fast.  ;-)

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