Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Lots of Updates

 Sorry for the lack of updates! Summer has been flying by and we are trying to enjoy every moment of it. Daryl is playing T-Ball again this summer. He is doing really good this year. It just kills Alex that he can't be out there playing with Daryl. He cries during most of the game because he wants to be on the field too!

T-ball games are hilarious and adorable. If Daryl ever plays in a super competitive league I am really going to miss these games where you get to laugh and stand and cheer for everyone!

After my toe injury on vacation I was worried about keeping up my marathon training schedule. Last Saturday I finally met up with the Topeka running group The Sunflower Striders. They are such welcoming folks. I ran 10 miles on Saturday and then met up with them again for a 6 mile run on Sunday. I think training is back on track! With the help of the Striders I can accomplish my marathon goal!

Lastly, a knitting update. The sweater is coming along great! I am going to take it with me on a work trip next week and try and get the whole body done!!! This sweater screams fall so that is when I want to have it done. Now that my knitting mojo is back I need to throw some new fiber on the wheel. :-)


  1. Met one of your 4H colleagues this week. She said that she crochets and you knit during boring meetings.

    1. We don't limit it to a boring meeting. We play with our yarn during most meetings. It's strange but I actually focus better when I'm playing with yarn!

  2. Sound like you are pulling the wool over ther eyes.
