Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Not just half crazy anymore

It's funny that when I started running in 2010 I thought anything more than a 5K would be ridiculous. It took me many months to be able to run 3.1 miles without stopping. I lived by Washburn at the time and would try and run around the whole campus over and over until I could finally do it. The day I could run around it twice was awesome!
I remember seeing an 8K race in Wichita and that was the first time I packed up the family for a race. I didn't think I could ever do a 10K but 8K seemed doable. That was a fun race and a nice runner talked with me most of the way about 10Ks and *gasp* a half marathon.
Turns out 5Ks are the gateway drug to half marathons. After all if you are going to be running for 30 minutes you might as well run for two hours!
It was inevitable that after running the 39.3  series and again talking with fellow runners I signed up for my first marathon. I don't know what I was thinking when I paid my entry, but now that I have I'm too cheap to not see it through!
My race is in September so I will be updating on how the training is going. I can't complain about ten mile runs anymore because pretty soon that will be a short run!

After dinner tonight we took the family to Ice Cream. We were celebrating three graduations. Our little Zach will be getting promoted to sixth grade, Daryl graduated Kindergarten and I graduated Leadership Greater Topeka today. Since Kelly didn't bring me chocolate or a card, Ice Cream was the least he could do. :-)

Still trying to get some knitting mojo back I've started a chevron hat, knit from some of my handspun yarn. Trying to finish it this weekend. It was cold today, could have worn it to graduation if it was finished. Hope it is not this cold when it actually is done!
I have to get the knitting cranked back up in time to make the boys' birthday sweaters. Al's birthday will be here before we know it!

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