Friday, May 8, 2015

Funny Daryl Stories

It has been awhile since I have posted any funny Daryl stories. I think sometimes I don't because maybe, as his mom, I'm the only one that thinks they are funny. I told a few of these to my coworkers and they all laughed so it seems they are humorous to all people. ;-)

Daryl's Kindergarten class had caterpillars that they got to watch become butterflies. This was a good source of comedy for a couple of weeks.
Daryl-Our caterpillars are named Anna, Steve and Special.
Me-That's cool, how did you pick their names?
Daryl-We all put the name we liked on the bored and then we got to vote for three.
Me-Was your name one of the ones that was picked?
Daryl-No, I wanted Lollipop, no one liked it.
Me-I think Lollipop was a good name!
Daryl- *eyeroll*

Daryl-Today we got to let the butterflies go!
Daryl-After we let them go we got to look at their chrysalis and hold one. I told the teacher their was a turd in the cage. She told me it is called waste. I said it was also called a turd.
Daryl-She said at school it's called waste....

Last one (more of an Alex story)

On Thursday night Daryl's school had a skating party at the skating ring. Daryl has only ever skated one time before but two of his buddies from his class were going so he was excited about it. When we got there Daryl looked like a new born deer with wobbly legs and he fell a lot. He clutched onto the wall and went around one time like that.
When it was time for a piece of pizza at the snack bar him and his buddies went and waited at our booth while the moms got the food. They were nice enough to take Alex with them. Next thing I know one of Daryl's buddies is trying to get my attention:
Friend-Daryl's mom, Daryl's mom! Daryl's brother is hitting us in the face! He is even hitting kids we don't even know!
I go over to where they were sitting to find Alex standing on a chair and all of the other kids staying out of arm's reach of him. I asked him if he was hitting people and he gave me a down cast look and a very quiet, "yes".
For the rest of the night he had to stay with me!

Kelly was gone most of this week on a work trip, so the boys and I found all kinds of stuff to do. One thing was painting with our fingers, (and feet)!

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