Thursday, May 14, 2015

Graduation & Heartland 39.3 Series

This past Saturday I completed the Heartland 39.3 Series. This series is 3 half marathons in five weeks. It was a challenge and I was so happy to complete all the races.
The last race was Running With the Cows and this is the race last year that I learned about the series. I enjoy the RWTC because a grade school puts on the race and they have the best hospitality. From the decorated school, to the aid stations with Oreos, to the amazing after race food, it is a family friendly event.
My cheering section had to get up at 4:45am to watch me cross the finish line. I'm just thankful that my boys like to be on the go! Once they realized we were getting in the car they were all excited. The icing on the cake is we got to ride on a school bus from the parking to the starting line. Alex thought that was pretty awesome, Daryl was all smiles too!
If you like race medals the series is a must for you. I'm happy to say I placed 158th in the women's division!!

Tonight was Daryl's Kindergarten music program and graduation! It was such a fun program. All four classes sang together and they even had dance moves. Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl also brought a graduation cake. It was a fun evening and Kelly is still trying to get the boys to bed!

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