Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cheesin' in Wisconsin

It has been a long time since my last post but that is because the Manor packed up for a road trip. We went to Wisconsin Dells for a big Meerpohl family vacation. Papa and Grandma took us to the Wilderness Territory resort and we had a blast!
It was a pretty long road trip but my boys are getting better and better at those. The resort had several indoor swimming parks and outdoor swimming parks. We didn't even get to them all. We also did mini golf, go karts and my favorite painted ceramics! 
The boys' favorite was when we went to a restaurant  that served your food via train! Alex is going through a bit of a train phase. For both 10+ hour car rides he let us know every time he saw a train or train tracks or baseball fields. There were actually more ball fields than I would have thought. LOL
This trip was a great recharge.
We did have that "I need a vacation from my vacation", moment.
On the way home we were stopped at a rest stop getting a snack and I turned to see Daryl disappear around a corner at full speed. I panicked and asked Kelly, "where's Alex?" Kelly yelled "Alex!" 
Daryl comes back around the corner, "Dad you're holding him."
Omg! Kelly and I both just started laughing. Then I asked Alex why he didn't say anything!
Can you sense the excitement? 

Daryl's mug turned out fantastic! He did such a good job!

Choo Choo Grandma, choo choo!!

Daryl wasn't tall enough to drive but I think Kelly liked it that way! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Not just half crazy anymore

It's funny that when I started running in 2010 I thought anything more than a 5K would be ridiculous. It took me many months to be able to run 3.1 miles without stopping. I lived by Washburn at the time and would try and run around the whole campus over and over until I could finally do it. The day I could run around it twice was awesome!
I remember seeing an 8K race in Wichita and that was the first time I packed up the family for a race. I didn't think I could ever do a 10K but 8K seemed doable. That was a fun race and a nice runner talked with me most of the way about 10Ks and *gasp* a half marathon.
Turns out 5Ks are the gateway drug to half marathons. After all if you are going to be running for 30 minutes you might as well run for two hours!
It was inevitable that after running the 39.3  series and again talking with fellow runners I signed up for my first marathon. I don't know what I was thinking when I paid my entry, but now that I have I'm too cheap to not see it through!
My race is in September so I will be updating on how the training is going. I can't complain about ten mile runs anymore because pretty soon that will be a short run!

After dinner tonight we took the family to Ice Cream. We were celebrating three graduations. Our little Zach will be getting promoted to sixth grade, Daryl graduated Kindergarten and I graduated Leadership Greater Topeka today. Since Kelly didn't bring me chocolate or a card, Ice Cream was the least he could do. :-)

Still trying to get some knitting mojo back I've started a chevron hat, knit from some of my handspun yarn. Trying to finish it this weekend. It was cold today, could have worn it to graduation if it was finished. Hope it is not this cold when it actually is done!
I have to get the knitting cranked back up in time to make the boys' birthday sweaters. Al's birthday will be here before we know it!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Graduation & Heartland 39.3 Series

This past Saturday I completed the Heartland 39.3 Series. This series is 3 half marathons in five weeks. It was a challenge and I was so happy to complete all the races.
The last race was Running With the Cows and this is the race last year that I learned about the series. I enjoy the RWTC because a grade school puts on the race and they have the best hospitality. From the decorated school, to the aid stations with Oreos, to the amazing after race food, it is a family friendly event.
My cheering section had to get up at 4:45am to watch me cross the finish line. I'm just thankful that my boys like to be on the go! Once they realized we were getting in the car they were all excited. The icing on the cake is we got to ride on a school bus from the parking to the starting line. Alex thought that was pretty awesome, Daryl was all smiles too!
If you like race medals the series is a must for you. I'm happy to say I placed 158th in the women's division!!

Tonight was Daryl's Kindergarten music program and graduation! It was such a fun program. All four classes sang together and they even had dance moves. Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl also brought a graduation cake. It was a fun evening and Kelly is still trying to get the boys to bed!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Funny Daryl Stories

It has been awhile since I have posted any funny Daryl stories. I think sometimes I don't because maybe, as his mom, I'm the only one that thinks they are funny. I told a few of these to my coworkers and they all laughed so it seems they are humorous to all people. ;-)

Daryl's Kindergarten class had caterpillars that they got to watch become butterflies. This was a good source of comedy for a couple of weeks.
Daryl-Our caterpillars are named Anna, Steve and Special.
Me-That's cool, how did you pick their names?
Daryl-We all put the name we liked on the bored and then we got to vote for three.
Me-Was your name one of the ones that was picked?
Daryl-No, I wanted Lollipop, no one liked it.
Me-I think Lollipop was a good name!
Daryl- *eyeroll*

Daryl-Today we got to let the butterflies go!
Daryl-After we let them go we got to look at their chrysalis and hold one. I told the teacher their was a turd in the cage. She told me it is called waste. I said it was also called a turd.
Daryl-She said at school it's called waste....

Last one (more of an Alex story)

On Thursday night Daryl's school had a skating party at the skating ring. Daryl has only ever skated one time before but two of his buddies from his class were going so he was excited about it. When we got there Daryl looked like a new born deer with wobbly legs and he fell a lot. He clutched onto the wall and went around one time like that.
When it was time for a piece of pizza at the snack bar him and his buddies went and waited at our booth while the moms got the food. They were nice enough to take Alex with them. Next thing I know one of Daryl's buddies is trying to get my attention:
Friend-Daryl's mom, Daryl's mom! Daryl's brother is hitting us in the face! He is even hitting kids we don't even know!
I go over to where they were sitting to find Alex standing on a chair and all of the other kids staying out of arm's reach of him. I asked him if he was hitting people and he gave me a down cast look and a very quiet, "yes".
For the rest of the night he had to stay with me!

Kelly was gone most of this week on a work trip, so the boys and I found all kinds of stuff to do. One thing was painting with our fingers, (and feet)!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Early Mother's Day

I already got my Mother's Day flowers!! Kelly got them on Tuesday when I was on a work trip and I was afraid if he didn't plant them soon they would die. They are great! This year I have a different strategy on the flower box. We put some Coleus on the end that is super shady since the flowers never do well over there. We shall see if this works.

I had the Spring Livestock show this weekend so I didn't get to see the boys a lot. In preparation Kelly and I went to the Dinner Theater at Topeka Civic Theater. We went with our friends and saw The Great Gatsby. It was a good show and an amazing meal. I want to go again later this summer when they do The Wizard of Oz!
Date Night!
This morning I did a 9 mile run that was supposed to be a 10 mile run. I misjudged my loop. So when I was back at my house I just stopped. It was the most perfect morning for a run. It had just rained and was a cool 60 degrees. Everything was so green and fresh. If only every morning could be so perfect! ;-) Saturday is the last half marathon in the Heartland Series. I feel recovered so I'm really looking forward to it!!