Thursday, April 30, 2015

I don't have the only cussing 2 year old

If you are easily offended with cuss words, this post is not for you. If you yourself have a child who cusses without realizing it, and you thought it was funnier than H-E-Double Toothpicks, this post is for you!

I start this post with the confession that I was not going to write this story. I thought I was the only mom who had a toddler speaking profanities.

But then, I was at a work conference this week and I ran into TWO mothers who had experienced this exact same thing. So evidently a very popular Bruno Mars song is creating problems for more than just me.

The song I am referring to is "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars. I'm not going to lie it is a pretty catchy song. I will find myself humming it at home. That is part of the problem...

So the chorus of the song is the lyrics, Uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up. Turns out Alex can't say the "n" in funk. So one afternoon our whole family was in the car, when this song comes on the radio. From the backseat we hear Alex in the back seat chanting, "fuck you up, fuck you up". He says it really fast and over and over again. Kelly and I are trying not to burst out laughing but we should have because Daryl was already busting a gut!

So, you know what happens once a toddler finds something that makes someone laugh, they do it over and over again!
So if I am humming the tune or it comes on the radio, Alex commences with his cussing session. Turns out this is the typical response of all toddlers who listen to the song. They ALL SAY IT WRONG!
While other mom's know their baby's first word (I'm sure I wrote that down someplace...) I do know that Alex's first BAD word was ass. That one can be blamed on the movie Home Alone or the parents who let their two year old watch it, whatever floats your boat. But I now know his first F bomb was in April of 2015. (SARCASM) I couldn't be more proud!(SARCASM)
Can you believe this little angel talks like a sailor!

Knitting update-I made a thing! I needed to do something fast and east to try and get some knitting mojo back. I did a pattern that I have memorized and made my Aunt Rita some of "Granny's favorite dishcloths." She let me stay with her while I was on my work trip and I appreciated them hosting me for a couple of days. I had a really good time staying with family!
Running update-As of 6:50am this morning I've run 100 miles this month!! Its the 30th so that won't change but this is the first time I've ever done this. I'm pretty proud of myself. :-)  

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