Saturday, April 18, 2015

I Can't Move!

I had my second of three half marathons today. It was the Garmin Marathon and it was a well put together race. They had the port a potty system worked out. Trust me getting several thousand people one last chance to pee is a very important factor in everyone's race!
The race started at 6:45am so for the first time I told my cheering section to sleep in. I had to leave the house at 5:00am and went to the race solo. I was really happy I didn't get lost even though I did take a "scenic" route home. :-)
I lined up with the 2:10 pace group and finished with a time of 2:09:12! I went a little faster and last weeks race also caught up with me. About mile 10 my legs started to get really heavy, then at mile 11 it started to rain. So another first, I finished this race in the rain!
Usually after a race you get a bagel, banana and chocolate milk. This race had all that and BBQ chicken sandwiches! Turns out 9am is not too early for lunch! Just kidding, the sandwich was a snack, I had lunch when I got home!

When I got home Daryl had a friend over and they got to play together for the afternoon. We even braved the sprinkles and went to the zoo. Every time I turned around one of them was splashing in a puddle!
Alex had so much fun he left the zoo a screaming mess! So when we got home it was nap time. He thought it was snack time so he insisted on taking some donut holes with him. He was so tired he only ate one and fell asleep! It was so cute I had to take a picture, then I fell asleep too!
I've been on the couch since seven, I hope my legs are better tomorrow. I have one last race the second weekend of May!

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