Sunday, April 12, 2015

Going Slow for a Reason

Yesterday I finished my 3rd half marathon. It was my slowest to date, in 2013 I did my first at 2:07, last year I PR'd at 1:56. But slow was the game plan since I've signed up for the Heartland 39.3 series.
In the series you do three half marathons in four weeks. I didn't want to go all out and then hurt my foot, like I did last year.
I learned a lot of things by slowing down a bit, it was way more fun than my other two races. I was talking and joking with the runners around me. I was reading all the signs, enjoying all the aid stations and I didn't have any cramps or leg pain. I didn't even run with my Garmin watch, I just vowed to stay with the 2:15 pace group. I did run ahead at mile 10 because I was feeling so good and ended with a 2:13:21 finish time.
The plan is to line up with the 2:10 pace group this Saturday and I hope it is as much fun.
Since my race was in Kansas City I asked my Aunt Gloria and Uncle Maurice if we could stay at their house. It was so much fun as their house was always the guest house when we took Kansas City vacations when I was a kid. They have always been gracious hosts! Daryl and Alex even got to play with their second cousins (all boys) and had so much fun they didn't want to leave. :-)
The boys got to the race in time to see me finish and I always love having my cheering section there! It reminds me of every time I leave the house and Alex goes, "Momma run, bye momma!"

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