Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Everyone!

 We had a wonderful day at the Manor. First the Easter Bunny made a stop in the wee hours of the morning. If you think our Easter Basket picture looks dark it's because Daryl woke up at 6:45am!

Alex is not a morning person so he went out to get eggs but was not that crazy about it.

Alex's new cute thing is when he wakes up in the morning, he pulls his blanket over his head and says, "No! Me Sleep!" It's pretty cute.

The Easter bunny brought Daryl some Lumi Dough that he has been wanting and Alex got some bubbles. Daryl was really excited about his basket and then he looks at Kelly and I and says, "What did you get me for Easter?" We told him Easter is not Christmas and get ready for church!

After church we headed to Holton for Easter Dinner/Birthday party for cousin Carson. The boys had so much fun they cried (hard) when it was time to leave. Along with games with cousins the boys also had a great time playing with the local wildlife. Daryl found a huge earthworm, and Alex stalked Carter's cat all afternoon.

Earlier in the week the boys got a box from Grandma Rosie. When Daryl saw the package on the front porch he knew it was addressed to him but he couldn't read who it was from. I asked him, "Daryl who sent you a box?" He said, "It is from either Grandma Rosie or God!". I told him I didn't think it was from God. He said, "You are probably right, God probably doesn't use the mail!" Thank you Grandma Rosie for the awesome shirts!

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